Christian Stommel

Attorney at Law & Cert. Tax Advisor

  • Tax structuring consultancy
  • Company Law
  • Restructuring/change of corporate form
  • M&A transactions (acquisition and sale of companies)
  • Preparation of legal opinions/legal due diligence (including those for German subsidiaries of foreign Groups)
  • Inheritance consultancy /design of wills and testaments
  • Commercial lease law
  • real estate law
  • Taxation legislation remedial procedures and financial court proceedings


  • 1994 – 1999 Law School at the University of Bielefeld
  • 2000 – 2002 Internship at Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court

Professional Qualifications

  • 2002 Attorney at Law
  • 2006 Taxation Legislation Specialist Attorney
  • 2008 Accreditation as Certified Tax Advisor

Professional Career

  • 2002 – 2004 LutherMenold/Aulinger, Attorneys at Law, Bochum
  • since 2004 WTG

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