Anke Düsterloh
Master in Business EconomicsCert. Public Accountant & Cert. Tax Advisor
Our 9 partners share a broad knowledge in auditing, tax consulting and corporate law. We perform our services based on the pillars “Tradition” and “Improvement” while striving to always fulfil our clients’ demands. Our partners either started their professional careers at WTG or joined our firm after having gained professional experience at Big4 accounting firms, international law firms or the German tax authorities.
Cert. Public Accountant & Cert. Tax Advisor
Cert. Public Accountant & Cert. Tax Advisor
Cert. Public Accountant & Cert. Tax Advisor
Cert. Public Accountant & Cert. Tax Advisor
Attorney at Law & Cert. Tax Advisor
Cert. Public Accountant (GER and USA)
Cert. Public Accountant & Cert. Tax Advisor
Attorney at Law & Cert. Tax Advisor
Cert. Public Accountant & Cert. Tax Advisor
WTG has 50 partners and employees, in total. The share of certified professionals (auditors, tax advisors, lawyers) is very high: approximately half our employees hold university diplomas and professional certifications.